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A 3/8″ spring loaded ball check valve with autoclave MP connections for 700 bar GH2 service. This valve can be used to prevent backflow of air into tanks and vehicle fuel lines, and for filling station operations.
- A 3/8″ spring loaded ball check valve design with autoclave MP connections for 700 bar service.
- Leak free performance at high pressure
- 2-piece construction for ease of maintenance
- Specially cleaned for GH2 service

State-of-the-art design, offering unexcelled safety performance
- Zero Leakage
- No Fusible Material For Sealing
- Extremely Stable
- Meets PRD-1 Standard
- Wide variety of end connections including Gyrolok®
- Stable and consistent relief at 219° F (104° C)

Applications include thermal relief for GH2 fuel systems and tanks, and for on-vehicle and filling station operations.
- PRD-1 compliant 700 bar PRD
- Bubble tight leakage less than 10ncc/hour
- Eutectic material for activation only

Adjustable relief valves with extremely stable crack and reseal pressure ranges, assuring safe, reliable over pressure protection for your system.
- Externally adjusted right angle design
- Pressure relief up to 6000 psig (414 bar)
- Raised seal lip for bubble tight sealing
- Cracking pressure remains constant even with changes in downstream pressure
- Valve pressures can be factory preset and lock wired according to customer specifications
- Delta stem seal in high pressure models reduces stem leakage, enhancing the performance of the spring and valve.
- All valves are CE 0035 / PED approved

- Zero leakage
- Three operating modes
- Bi-directional
- Positive spindle retention
- Extended stem for extreme temperatures
- Field tested at 1 × 10−7 torr to 12,000 psi with zero leakage

- Corrosion & Diffusion Resistant
- Accurate & Sensitive
- Adjustable Outlet Ranges
- Full Range Capability
- Panel Mount & Self-venting Option

- Zero leakage
- Anodized aluminum “top works” is corrosion resistant
- Actuator (pilot) port rotates for easy installation and locks with jam nut
- Optional metering adjustment resets maximum flow
- Provides preset metering for normally closed valves
- Pipe and instrument tube fittings

- Bubble-tight Seal
- Precise Control
- Rapid Delivery
- Easily Adjusted

- High Pressure
- Constant Rapid Delivery
- Bubble-tight Seal

- Reliable
- Accurate
- Positive Shutoff for Zero Leak
- Remote Operated
- Rapid Response
- High Pressure, Medium Flow
- Internal pressure load or External dome loading
- Panel mount option

- Full Range Capability
- Single Hand Wheel Control
- Balanced Poppet Insures Accuracy
- Integral Vent Valve

- High Pressure
- Bubble-tight seal
- Internally or externally dome loaded