Product Export Form

It is the policy of CIRCOR International companies to comply with all U.S laws and regulations. To ensure compliance, we require all customers to complete the below Export Product Questionnaire. The information provided on this form will be used to determine if an Export License from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, or the U.S. Department of State will apply to the product(s) you are purchasing based on the ultimate destination, enduse, and end-user. CIRCOR International companies offer to sell products only with the express condition that said products will not be exported or re-exported without the required authorization of the U.S. Government and CIRCOR International.

Purchasing company

Company Address

Ship To Company

Ship To Address

End User Company

End User Address
Is the End-User directly or indirectly involved in the design, development, or fabrication of chemical or biological weapons, components, explosive devices, or delivery systems?
Will the product be used in the design, development, production, or use of rocket systems?
“Rocket Systems” include, but are not limited to, ballistic missile systems, space launch vehicles, sounding rockets, “unmanned air vehicles” including, but are not limited to, cruise missile systems, target drones and reconnaissance drones.
Select one of the applications below that describes the intended use of the product you are purchasing

By signing this form, you agree that you or your company will not export or distribute products, or direct products thereof, in violation of any export control laws or regulations of the United States. You warrant that you or your company will not export any product with knowledge that they will be used in the design, development, production, or use of chemical, biological, nuclear, or ballistic weapons, or in a facility engaged in such activities, unless you or your company has obtained prior approval from the U.S. Government. You further warrant that you or your company have fully disclosed the end-use and disclosed all parties to the transaction from the purchaser to the final end-user.

Sign above

This form is not an export license application. The data collected on this form will be used to determine if a license is necessary. If CIRCOR determines that an Export License is required, this form will be used along with other additional information, to prepare an application for the necessary license. License approval is not guaranteed. This form replaces all previous CIT export product questionnaire forms.


CIT-EXP-01 (1/12/2015)